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  1. E

    Uncut Releases becoming gimmicks now a days?

    That you're a fool in denial:p):D But seriously, do what makes you happy but be careful what you say on this forum unless your ready to back up why you like it, since there are very few full-screen enthusiests around here...
  2. E

    Uncut Releases becoming gimmicks now a days?

    Here my point of view if companies start seeing extended cuts of movies as just selling gimmicks what happens when they stop selling will they stop releasing them all together including the uber cool director's cuts of movies that are better like the ones you have mentioned Jon?
  3. E

    Uncut Releases becoming gimmicks now a days?

    I agree on this but my point is maybe uncut releases will fade all together becuz it becoming so gimmicky :frowning:
  4. E

    Uncut Releases becoming gimmicks now a days?

    I'm sorry if this topic has been made before, I did a search under uncut and nothing came up. So anyway I see the Sony epecially shamelessly whores out dvd titles what ever chance it gets to put extra footage in and call it uncut. Now I know the old principle is, "If you don't like it don't buy...