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  1. Cees Alons

    Standing waves + Bass Traps?

    Jack, The phase can play a role in standing waves and the like. So there may be an effect at the place where you're listening. If you were free to place the sub almost anywhere, it would probably matter less, but because you're forced to place it where it is now, it just may help. Cees
  2. Cees Alons

    Standing waves + Bass Traps?

    That's bad. Did you try switching the phase of the sub? Cees
  3. Cees Alons

    Standing waves + Bass Traps?

    You could place your subwoofer at your preferred seating position ("sweet spot") and walk through the room to hear (measure) where the best bass is found. If you find a place that's also appropriate to place the sub there, you've found it! (This may also be a good solution to Torgny's...