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  1. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

    "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain" is one of my favorite films. I cant even explain why. I just like it.
  2. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

    Chuck, I'm a bit confused. Surely there has been a film that mixes periods that you still liked. 2001 uses classical music that definately was not written in the period that the film takes place during. Did you like it?
  3. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

  4. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

    Peter, we arent talking about staying in a job you hate for 30 years. Life is too short to spend two hours exposing yourself to something new???? I respect the fact that you dont like it, but I am still curious as to the reasons. Was it the music? Do you like any other musicals? Give me some...
  5. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

  6. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

  7. Charles J P

    walking out on a movie...

    The only movie I ever walked out on was the sneak peek of Blackhawk Down. I probably would have stuck it out if I was on my own or with my brother, but I was with my wife. She is the kind that only watches a movie if it entertains. Doesnt need/want/expect it to be deep, artistic, have any...