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  1. Jeff Ulmer

    I'm resigned to my fate...I cannot eat Spicy!

    I'll concur with the alcohol and acid reflux. Nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night gagging. I've pretty much given up booze (never was a hard liquor drinker, but pounded a few brewskies in my day). To me that isn't a big loss, haven't had a beer in a year, and don't miss it...
  2. Jeff Ulmer

    I'm resigned to my fate...I cannot eat Spicy!

    Give me fire food or give me death! There is only one cure for rimfire, and that is more spice, to the point of saturation. :) I highly doubt I could ever give up spicy food, no matter what the consequences. Tandoori, mexican, chili, firerice... ------------------ Link Removed |...