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  1. J

    Neo-noir: All the colors of noir post 1970 on Blu-ray

    Oh, and don't forget The Limey with Terence Stamp and Peter Fonda. Our Melissa George as The Limey's daughter
  2. J

    Looking to learn to speak Spanish - suggestions?

    Having spent over 20 years learning Italian, I can assure you that the only way to become conversant in a language (in contradistinction to simply being able to read the language) is to sit with a group of others in the company of a competent native speaker and just talk. Duolingo, MemRise etc...
  3. J

    UHD Review Mad Max Anthology UHD Review

    Will the soundtrack to the original Mad Max offer the "Australian accented" version? At least as an option? A concerned Aussie
  4. J

    UHD Review A Few Words About Qualche parola su... ™ Luca - in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    o ... la lingua più bella nel mondo. Depende sul'enfasi
  5. J

    UHD Review A Few Words About Qualche parola su... ™ Luca - in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    La lingua italiana è la più bella lingua del mondo.
  6. J

    UHD What is holding back UHD and what can be done to fix it?

    I have a 2017 65" UHD LG TV that I have tuned to the nth degree. I have to say that the image generated by 4K Blu-ray is just too eye-poppingly sharp to enjoy. Drop back slightly to 1080p and the picture is more like what I see in the real world. Perhaps some anomaly in my vision is responsible...