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  1. yosi_sergant

    Greatest American Hero Season 3 Specs?

    I've just ordered my Season III. It has all 13 episodes on four discs. I'm looking forward to seeing the new packaging. Apparently it sings... anyone seen this before/yet?
  2. yosi_sergant

    Freaked on DVD

    I think that the title sequence for this film is amazing. I honestly would rank it in my top five (next to se7en, Delicatessen, Resevoir Dogs, The Island of Dr. Moreau, 007). Stop motion madness to a Henry Rollins theme...
  3. yosi_sergant

    Freaked on DVD

    Yeah. I couldn't be more happy to retire my VHS copy. I think I have played it so much that it is about to snap! I think that the online petitions really worked for this title. I think I read somewhere that there is a letter from Alex Winter thanking everyone for their support. Anyone seen that?