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  1. Matthew^Johnson

    Twin Peaks Season 2?

    I want to see figures. The "poor sales" line doesn't fly with me at all (and not just because I don't want it to).
  2. Matthew^Johnson

    GODZILLA is coming!

    I'm guessing everyone here knows what a Rialto theatrical release might mean as far as what studio will most probably release the DVD.... If that's the case, :D :D :D woohoo, indeed :D :D :D
  3. Matthew^Johnson

    Amazon share the love!

    I preorder Criterions pretty early, so if anyone needs Love on Ikiru and Rules of the Game I'll be ordering those towards the end of the week. PS: Woohoo, Kyle! Jackson, MS in tha house!
  4. Matthew^Johnson

    Four Criterions going OOP on December 31st

    On a positive note, the beginning of 2004 marks the renewal of Criterion rights to the Tati films M. Hulot's Holiday and Mon Oncle. This topic needed a little cheering up. (Picked up Spellbound last month at the last minute like everyone else)
  5. Matthew^Johnson

    4 new Criterions announced for 2004

    With these 4 titles, the Sturges, Rules of the Game, an Orson Welles title (rumor), more Hitchcock (rumor), and Floating Weeds, Criterion is poised for their best year ever. I really thought 2003 would be hard to top. Edited to include The Battle of Algeirs from the Criterion homepage.
  6. Matthew^Johnson

    Hitchcock DVDS

  7. Matthew^Johnson

    Hitchcock DVDS

  8. Matthew^Johnson

    Hitchcock DVDS

    Spellbound is considered popularly (and by me) to be one of Hitchcock's lesser outings. But, I am a Dali fan, so it nonetheless has a warm spot in my heart. Ok, Dali and Ingrid Bergman. Me-ow. Rebecca is a Hitchcock/O'Selznik joint, so its a little heavy on the melodrama. But, then again, so was...
  9. Matthew^Johnson

    More missing dialogue on Artisan's "Reservoir Dogs: Ten Years" DVD

    Thanks or bringing this thread back guys. I can only post from work as it stands now, so I sometimes miss threads that slip through the cracks for a bit. I'll be shooting off my email post haste to do my part. This landmark film deserves better.
  10. Matthew^Johnson

    Criterion's Knife in Water - no fast forward?

    I read the same thing on mondodigital dot com under the section on Polanski. It offered no explanation of why Polanski wanted it this way though. (sorry, I apparently cannot link until I have a few more posts under my belt)
  11. Matthew^Johnson

    FFX2 preorder-- best price?

    I know it won't be released until December, but I've never ordered a game online before. Is it better to order far in advance, should I wait for a discount, or is there no difference?
  12. Matthew^Johnson

    Twin Peaks Season 2 DVD Petition

    I post at the Gazette, and I think a lot of people would be interested (just to, as was stated earlier, "do something"), which is why I have qualms about bringing the petition to their attention. I'm going to wait until 2004 until I do any signing, though I am a fanatic about the show. If they...
  13. Matthew^Johnson

    How does Amazon's fluctuating Pre-Order Pricing work?

    They lowered my pre-order on Tokyo Story from 27$ to 25$. However, if there is a content change (more extra features are added, etc.-- like what will probably happen with my preorder for The Lower Depths), I think they can up the price since the item you pre-ordered essentially does not exist...
  14. Matthew^Johnson

    Re: Foreign Films that are MIA on DVD

    Lots of titles lack of DVD representation has prevented me from seeing on this list. Here's one I'll probably be waiting a long time to see: Fukasaku's Battle Royale
  15. Matthew^Johnson

    new Criterion covers: Naked Lunch and Richard III

    Anamorphic, eh? Wasn't Naked Lunch shot in Cronenberg's preferred 1.66?