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  1. Howard Glenn

    Weekly RoundUp 7-15-2008

    It's funny you chose that picture...not too long after it was taken the Sixers got their behinds handed to them by the Lakers in the championship. Celtics Championship on DVD...yeah baby!
  2. Howard Glenn

    American Idol - Season 7

    I agree with Todd. If you want to criticize Michael's performance it would be for trying to imitate the original version of the song he chose, versus a completely new take. When Michael first started the song I was thinking "not bad, but he's never going to be able to come close to hitting any...
  3. Howard Glenn

    American Idol - Season 7

    I agree Michael Johns did a terrific job but David Archuletta was still tops...his best performance since the first Beatles week. It's time for Ramiele to go...she definitely has a future selling sleep aids.
  4. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Our first evidence is his attitude towards his brother. It was pretty unconscionable to lie about his brother's mental stability and use the lie to help promote his campaign during a press conference. He also garnered enough information from Mohinder to at least give him a few moments to hear...
  5. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    As a longtime fan of Adrian Pasdar, I think we can count on Nathan to lean more toward the darkside as we've already seen. For his sake, I hope his wife doesn't gain any super powers, otherwise he's for an extra rough ride. I think we can count on Niki's alter ego to help put the finishing...
  6. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    Better yet...when Claire an Niki meet up, perhaps Niki could try on the Cheerleader outfit.
  7. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    The "some woman" of course being Evil Niki. It seems pretty clear at this point, Hiro can not use his power if he can't focus...hopefully at some point he'll figure out how to focus without looking like he's going to the bathroom...judging by his future self, this won't be a problem.
  8. Howard Glenn

    Day Break - ongoing thread (merged)

    Instead of giving this show the green light, why couldn't they just bring back Tru Calling...a show that had an excellent cast, and was just hitting its stride when it was cancelled. I'll probably check out the program, but I feel like I've already seen this before...and before...and...
  9. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    There have been quite a few characters in the history of comics that have mimicked these abilities...the Vision certainly another good example. I thought of the Spectre first as he was around for several decades before some of the new characters such as The Vision, Kitty Pryde, and many others...
  10. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    By the way...Does anyone remember Jack Coleman (Claire's (adoptive) father), way back when he played Steven Carrington on Dynasty?...pretty funny.
  11. Howard Glenn

    Heroes season 1 thread

    One of the biggest questions I have so far; Why are everyone's powers manifesting themselves at approx. the same time? Obviously, from a writing perspective we're establising each of the characters for the viewer, but I would think that several of our heroes would have been in contact with their...
  12. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who March releases anounced!

    According to the BBC America shop, the sixth season story 'The Invasion', and the twelfth season story 'The Sontaran Experiment' will be the new March '07 releases. From the BBC Shop site; Doctor Who: The Invasion When the Doctor (Patrick Troughton), Jamie and Zoe investigate the...
  13. Howard Glenn

    DOCTOR WHO: Genesis of the Daleks

    The Master certainly was overused...and in a sense also underused, as it would have been nice to have less stories using his character, and stronger stories in the episodes he did appear in. However, Roger Delgado was great in the role, and I'll be the last person to complain about any of his...
  14. Howard Glenn

    DOCTOR WHO: Genesis of the Daleks

    Believe it or not...that was the word "eleven" I was trying to type...guess I get a little too excited when talking about the Doctor!
  15. Howard Glenn

    DOCTOR WHO: Genesis of the Daleks

    I'm afraid I have to strongly disagree with you. Inferno is a wonderful episode, and I'm truly looking forward to seeing it out on dvd in a couple weeks. However, Inferno was the final story of Season 7, concluding only the first of five seasons with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor. Mr. Pertwee's...
  16. Howard Glenn

    DOCTOR WHO: Genesis of the Daleks

    Michael Wisher's talents were a wonderful addition to Doctor Who, not only in Genesis of the Daleks, but in some of the other stories he appeared in as well...I've always enjoyed his performance as Kalik in Carnival of Monsters. It should be noted that although he is no longer with us, he...
  17. Howard Glenn

    New "The Prisoner" TV Box Set - 40th Anniv?

    I can't help but think there must be a connection here to the forthcoming brand new Prisoner mini-series. It may not be included, but it would make perfect sense to release an anniversary set with information about the new series.
  18. Howard Glenn

    Weekly RoundUp 5-9-2006

    Thanks Mike and Patrick! For anyone interested in The West Wing: Season 6, DeepDiscountDVD currently has it up for a pre-order price of $30.25.
  19. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who: "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Inferno" on their way

    I don't despise the covers that much, bit it does make you wonder who's in charge of these unimaginative, and more importantly poor resolution images. At this point I can only say; exterminate! exterminate!
  20. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who '05 - perhaps October?

    The price structure set in place for Doctor Who, and other BBC titles is obscene. For the most part it takes advantage of all us rabid fans who are excited about owning these episodes. I feel the exact same way. However, I refuse to bow to the pricing overlords. The compromise is to watch...
  21. Howard Glenn

    Stargate SG-1 Season 8 on 10/4

    As painful as it was, I also held out on buying the set until the corrected versions made their way onto store shelves. I can also confirm the sets with the GOLD STICKERS on them contain the corrected versions. Threads is a fantastic episode, and one of the most important stories to...
  22. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who: "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Inferno" on their way

    Inferno does indeed contain the paralell universe. All episodes are in color!
  23. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who: "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Inferno" on their way

    I have the complete up-to-date run of the Dr. Who releases, and have not experienced technical problems with any of the discs. If you're tired of your local PBS schedule, you can start enjoying the new series beginning March 17th on SciFi!
  24. Howard Glenn

    Twin Peaks Season 2?

    Yes. David Lynch will be supervising the transfers, and as such the release is linked to his availability, as his time has been tied up by his current project, Inland Empire. The earliest we'll see Season Two will be be the end of this year, but more likely the first part of 2007.
  25. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who: "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Inferno" on their way

    Yep...very exciting news. I don't envy the Restoration Team for all the work that was required for's a shame how much footage is missing even from the existing stories, and the subsequent condition they're in. Unfortunately, the earliest we'll get a chance to see either story...
  26. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who '05 - perhaps October?

    That's exactly what I was thinking. It great to hear the show will finally be broadcast...I wish the DVD's were coming sooner! The best result will be if SciFi schedule allows for a shorter wait time for getting the new stories aired...I'm dying to see David Tenant's Doctor! ;)
  27. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who - The Beginning box set extras

    Tony, You're not the only one drooling in anticipation of this release! 2006 is going to be the best year to date for Dr. Who on DVD! ;) For anyone that's keeping track of the new show, the official BBC website now has the 2006 Season 2 preview trailer on-line. The trailer was a...
  28. Howard Glenn

    Doctor Who '05 - perhaps October?

    I'm glad to see we're getting appropriate sized will ship better, and fit on the shelf better as well. More than anything it's great just to see R1 artwork revealed at last...the closer we get to Valentine's Day, the more I'm starting to drool! :b Howie
  29. Howard Glenn

    Stargate SG-1 Season 8 on 10/4

    Okay. I have to say I'm feeling a bit frustrated, as I have been holding off on buying the season set waiting to hear when the set will be available with the correct version of Threads. I am not willing to go through the B.S. of sending in for a replacement disc. I'm sorry but I really...