Recent content by Valerie G.

  1. Valerie G.

    Weekly RoundUp 10-28-2008

    Thanks for the info!
  2. Valerie G.

    Weekly RoundUp 10-28-2008

    Anyone have any information about Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D? I saw on amazon that the dvd supposedly comes with 4 pairs of 3D glasses. Are these going to be the cheap cardboard kind with each lens a different color? Does anyone have any info? For some reason I was under the...
  3. Valerie G.

    Stargate: Atlantis Season 5

    There's another new episode tomorrow night, woo-hoo!! The episode is titled "Tracker", and the MGM Stargate site has put up a short preview for it here. Hopefully it'll be a good one! I love Friday nights! -Valerie An official stargate special ops member
  4. Valerie G.

    Stargate: Atlantis Season 5

    New episode, titled "Whispers", tomorrow night! There's a preview on the MGM site, here. After the 2 week break, I'm sure ready to see a new episode. Although with getting a new episode, that's one less new one that we have to see. I'm not sure the realization will really hit me until we get...
  5. Valerie G.

    Weekly RoundUp 3-11-2008

    Eek! It's finally arrived! Stargate: The Ark of Truth! Yippee!!! I've been waiting a long time for this! Guess what I'll be watching on Tuesday night!? Yippee! :)
  6. Valerie G.

    Weekly RoundUp 2-26-2008

    Anyone know if the Target price of $10 for Night at the Museum is just for the Fullscreen version, or is good for the Widescreen version as well? Everytime I go into Target to buy the movie, the widescreen version is always $3 to $7 more than the Fullscreen. :thumbsdown: I want the movie, but...
  7. Valerie G.

    Stargate Atlantis Season 4

    Anyone else looking forward to tonights new ep? I am! :) I thought last weeks episode was pretty entertaining, especially the painting they showed at the end. LOL!! And I thought the episode before that one, (Quarantine) was outstanding. Had some funny stuff! So, does anyone have an...
  8. Valerie G.

    Stargate Atlantis Season 4

    So the next episode is the mid season finale! It sure seems like that came up fast. I found a sneak peek of the episode, which will be titled "This Mortal Coil", at Promises to be a great episode, for sure! Feel free to copy the link or download the...
  9. Valerie G.

    Stargate Atlantis Season 4

    Anybody catch last weeks episode, "The Seer"? I thought it was pretty good. Very interesting, too. Spoiler if you haven't already seen "The Seer"..... According to the episode, it would appear that the destruction of Atlantis is inevitable. Very, very interesting! What does everyone here...
  10. Valerie G.

    Can you help me identify a movie that was on tv last night (Tuesday 4-10-07)? Please.

    I know this is a long shot, but I'm trying to identify a movie that was on tv last night, (Tuesday 4-10-2007). I went into a store today and a woman told me that I was the "spitting image" of a girl that was in a movie on tv last night. She didn't say what channel, she didn't know the name...
  11. Valerie G.

    Stargate Season 10

    Hey, I don't know if anyone here already knows about it or not, but MGM is sponsoring a contest called "Keep The Gate Open". They asked fans to create videos demonstrating why Stargate SG-1 should return for an eleventh season. They announced the top ten video finalists today, and now they...
  12. Valerie G.

    Weekly RoundUp 7-25-2006

    Yes, yes yes! July 25th is here! (well, almost....:) ) I've been waiting for this week for months! JAG, Animaniacs, and Pinky & The Brain for me! Yay!!!! :)
  13. Valerie G.

    This area is is sore need of a STARGATE thread. Here it is!

    Yes, you're right about the episodes in syndication being a year behind. I used to be in the same cable, and watching the episodes in syndication. But I got cable about a year ago, and somehow I managed to catch up, so now for the first time ever, I'll be able to watch the new...
  14. Valerie G.

    10.5: Apocalypse

    Judging from these posts, I think I'm glad I decided not to watch this. I remember the camera work in the first one quite well.....I could hardly tell what was going on, the camera shook so much! Thanks for letting me know I'm not missing anything! :laugh:
  15. Valerie G.

    This area is is sore need of a STARGATE thread. Here it is!

    Actually, I think the new season starts on July 14th. But either way, I can hardly wait! Especially for Atlantis, I really want to see how that turns out! :)