Recent content by Spanelly78

  1. Spanelly78

    Remotes and remote bases for SALE! MX350 MX500 MX600 MX900

    Do you want me to send you a "bill" from paypal? But first I will need address to get quote for shipping. You just want the one MX600 remote, correct? Were you needing two? I can check with my husband to see if he may have another one?
  2. Spanelly78

    Remotes and remote bases for SALE! MX350 MX500 MX600 MX900

    What would the shipping be for that? Where do I ship it from, just Postal Services? I do not mind shipping it for you but shipping costs will need to be paid by you, as well as some sort of insurance and/or confirmation so I have a way to track that you received it. Thanks.
  3. Spanelly78

    Remotes and remote bases for SALE! MX350 MX500 MX600 MX900

    I have a few URC remotes and remote bases for sale. MX350 is $100.00 MX500 is $50.00 MX600 is $40.00 MX900 is $130.00 All items are gently used. The base stations we have are Universal (7) MRF250 no power cords, selling for $70.00 each (3) MRF100 no power cords, selling for...