Recent content by Sean Scott

  1. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF Review: Peter Pan (Recommended)

    I'm so excited! I can't wait to get it in my greasy paws! ;) :D
  2. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Haunted Mansion

    I got this movie for free. I think the special effects make the movie. Eddie Murphy's acting was not his best as neither was the two kid's. The movie seem too kiddie at times and it just there... I will keep the disc for memory sake since i love the HM!
  3. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Kill Bill Vol. 1 (RECOMMENDED)

    I don't see where Sofie gets her other arm cut. I've see the first one cut where the blood squirts on the camera but I don't know where her second arm gets cut????????????????????:confused: :confused:
  4. Sean Scott


    I gladly bought this the tuesday it got recalled from my local blockbuster. I watched the movie and found it entertaining. I haven't seen the features yet! :D
  5. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Timeline

    Thankfully I didnt buy this DVD. My friend got hooked up with it and I thought it would end up been a good movie despite the review but so wrong was I..........This is a waste of time! This movie looks so cheap, stupid,and worthless. It has a feel (I don't know if anyone agrees) that it was made...
  6. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF Review: Love Actually - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! MUST SEE!

    "If my single goes #1 I will take my bloody clothes off and sing it live!" hehe I love this movie! I rented it over the weekend I wish i would have bought it......might get it later on... :frowning:
  7. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Last Samurai (RECOMMENDED).

    i'm buying this blind also. I heard good things and im such a collector freak. I fall for any 2 disc sets and I love Epic films so my money will go for this and peter pan on tuesday. About Master & Commander I loved the film I ended up buying the 2 disc collector's set for $28.87.
  8. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Big Fish

    I put this movie on layway (big layaway freak when i'm broke) hahaha I decided to go with Ghosts of the Abyss but I will watch this movie next week. It's a blind buy! My friend said it was a good movie but what made me buy it was the clear box and how it looked and of course the $15.84 price tag. :D
  9. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF Review: Peter Pan (Recommended)

    I didnt like the rant on the Disney version! I will blindly buy this DVD on tuesday even thought I despise the cover and I'm not too happy with the forced trailers that have been made part of Universal DVDs lately!
  10. Sean Scott

    DVD Review HTF Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly CE (Highly Recommended!)

    I've been waiting for this set since it got announced! I won't be buying it on May 18th because of the Walt Disney Treasures! hehe but I will be putting it on Layaway at Wal-mart if I find it below $19.99 if not I will buy it eventually :)