Recent content by DavidLW

  1. DavidLW

    No sub on CDs?

    Not sure about your set up but it may have something to do with only having the digital co-ax hooked up. I think, but can't be sure, that if your receiver gets it's signal from the digital co-ax, it's looking for the 5:1 digital dobly (AC3) mix. Since a music CD is missing the :1 signal for the...
  2. DavidLW

    What makes a sub musical?

    OOPS- my mistake. I meant to type "...does NOT play...." I'd edited it. :b Of course I knew that there would be no sound produced in the vacuum of space. Therefore the law of F=MA (which stills applies) would have no relation to the sound produce because there would be no sound produced...
  3. DavidLW

    searching for the perfect subwoofer?

    Hey Robert, turn it up a little more and let me hear what it sounds like from where I'm sitting.:D
  4. DavidLW

    What makes a sub musical?

    I know F=MA is a way over simplification of how the dynamics of a electro-magnetic driver works. I was just trying to convey in a simple way how servo-control can alter the moving dynamics of the driver by controling the force. But........... What's wrong with my logic here. I hook up two...
  5. DavidLW

    What makes a sub musical?

    It's not how "fast" the driver is moving WHEN playing a 20hz signal but how "fast" the driver responds and actually begins to play the 20hz signal. And just as important, how "fast" it stops trying to play the 20hz signal after the signal has stopped. The mass of the driver, the elastic property...
  6. DavidLW

    What makes a sub musical?

    F=MA- Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration Increase the Mass and Acceleration must decrease if the Force remains the same. Increase the Force and Acceleration must increase if Mass stays the same. If you increase the Mass then you must increase the Force for Acceleration to remain...
  7. DavidLW

    What makes a sub musical?

    Speed is the other quality that "muscial" subs have. Most "muscial" subs are built with 8" or 10" drivers. Not too often with 12" and rarely with 15" drivers. The less the mass the faster the drvier can move. If more output is needed then they use multiple 8" or 10" drivers per enclosure. High...
  8. DavidLW

    Do looks matter?

    Haven't you hear? The better the component looks the better it sounds. If you don't believe me, just compare the sound of a $20,000 Krell Preamp/amp to a $600.00 Rotel reciever. Since some of us on this board contends that all electronic sounds the same, then the difference I hear must be...
  9. DavidLW

    Should I get into vinyl?

    P-mount arms add mass to the tone arm where you least want it, at the cartridge end. This makes it harder for the arm/cartridge to properly track the groves as it moves across the record. Specially if there's a slight warp. Even if you properly balance it for 3/4 or so gram tracking force, the...
  10. DavidLW

    Blade Runner tops scientist poll

    What happen to "Silent Running" and "Soylent Green" and "Logan Run". All truer to the gendre of SciFi than Stars Wars. Science fiction should at least have some message about the future of Earth or humans. Not about something that happened a "long time ago in a galaxy far, far away." But I got...
  11. DavidLW

    Does anyone know this WWII Movie?

    "The Birdman", 1971, I remember the movie. It was a made for TV movie.
  12. DavidLW

    Bass Shaker connection woes

    Just taking a stab at it. Not seeing what your sub amp looks like and your description of the problem is a little confusing. It sounds like your sub amp has a built in preamp. If thats the case you need to jumper the line out (preamp section) to the speaker in (amp section). You can do this...
  13. DavidLW

    I just blown up two amps in one week-end

    Don't AMEX offer a no question ask protection policy for the replacement for anything bought with their card? I kind of remember seeing commercials of consumers dropping, losing, stolen, dog chewing up and kids breaking items bought with the card and AMEX will replace it. This was a while back...
  14. DavidLW

    triggered switch
  15. DavidLW

    Large strand vs fine strand speaker wire

    So let me get this straight. Supposed you heard Yogi tube system (with your ears) and deternmined that it sounds better than your system (I don't think there's a good sounding tube system that don't react to the load). Do you break out your meters and o-scope and proceed to tell Yogi what a...