Recent content by David__Anthony

  1. David__Anthony

    The Funniest Movie

    I'm with you george,Planes,Trains and Automobiles had me laughing so hard,i missed alot of the movie,when i first saw it.
  2. David__Anthony

    Can anyone recommend some good racing music to rip to my X-Box?

    Reno by the Headstones is a real pulse pounder.
  3. David__Anthony

    Adapter for X-Box controller

    If you've seen the japanese ver of the xob controller,its alot smaller and looks alot like the ps2 controller.Going by what i have read it will be avaible in north america also after it's release.I think theres a screen shot over at gamespot if you click on xbox then go to the xbox supersite.
  4. David__Anthony

    XBox vs. PS2 on Technical merits

    I think the dts games for the ps2 are only in cut scenes not during gameplay.
  5. David__Anthony

    Xbox recall? Confirm?

    Ok this is what i have been told...if your xbox was made in the month of nov 2001[u can check on the bottom of the xbox] it might have problems.Again this is what i read,so i dont know this to be a fact.
  6. David__Anthony

    I need recommendations for mushy tearjerkers

    Not a romance but a tear jerker for me was MY DOG SKIP.I'd have to second AWAKINGS one of deniro's best perfomances in my opinion.
  7. David__Anthony

    Anyone else interested in "The Star Chamber"

    I for 1 would love to see this come to dvd...Anyone else?