Recent content by avintegrator

  1. avintegrator

    Blu-ray with built-in Internet Browser?

    Ah yes, the PS3. Given the price, I settled and purchased one. The web browser seems a little limited (does not go full screen, does not support flash, etc.) but it seems the best out there right now. There are thrid party products available... Play On (
  2. avintegrator

    Blu-ray with built-in Internet Browser?

    plenty of sites? Blue-ray players that have an internet browser? Perhaps I am google illiterate, but I would like to know of just one.
  3. avintegrator

    Blu-ray with built-in Internet Browser?

    Certain Blu-ray players along with the PS3 have limited online features.... is there any word of a product (besides hooking up a computer, duh) that would offer full internet browsing capabilities? I would think there would be something coming to market right about now.