rick and morty

  1. Adam Lenhardt

    Rick and Morty - Season 7 (Adult Swim)

    Season 7 premieres October 15: Adult Swim isn't revealing the new voices for the title characters yet, but confirmed the trailer featured the new performers. They did a pretty good job matching Justin Roiland, I think. Certainly neither voice is any more different than when Henry Corden took...
  2. joshEH

    Rick and Morty - Season 5 (Adult Swim)

    Season 5 premieres June 20: Jerry and I have the same bucket-list item, so now I need to kill myself.
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    Rick and Morty - Season 4 (Adult Swim)

    Previous threads: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Returns in November for 10 episodes. They just released this from the upcoming season: They are rolling directly into production on the fifth season as a result of the 70-episode order they received, so the break between seasons three and four...