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  1. schan1269

    Choice of new sub is limited by size of cabinet

    Many of my clients see my bills and I use a section called "misc"...(believe it or not, I get clients who just "write a check") Misc, for me, applies to HDMI, speaker wire and all the other "unknown" till you get there(like blades for a sawzall)... I ALWAYS use fresh saw blades in the sawzall...
  2. schan1269

    Choice of new sub is limited by size of cabinet

    So your molding around the sliding door looks out of place? Cordmate(hardly the only brand) is... 1. Paintable. You can choose to match the wall, or the molding. 2. Comes in various sizes/textures. 3. Can either "stick to the wall" with tape or be nailed in.
  3. schan1269

    Choice of new sub is limited by size of cabinet

    I'm trying to figure out where he found a minimum 100watt RMS receiver. Damn that thing must be godawfully loud if you can't turn it down...
  4. schan1269

    Choice of new sub is limited by size of cabinet

    Speakers don't "put out watts". What matters is efficiency. The current Mini is 90db at 1 watt. I have no idea if that relates to yours. But efficiency and extension are ALL THAT MATTER. Pick a sub, either are going to be "close" to the PDR 10.
  5. schan1269

    Choice of new sub is limited by size of cabinet

    LSP-12, no question. Always, ALWAYS buy the biggest(when apples are apples).