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  1. rodneyH

    New addition at AV123: Rocket Speakers

    Do speakers realy become collectors items?? I just got rid of a gorgous pair of late 1960s Bozak speakers that some would consider "collectors" items. Retail was between $350-400 back then, I just got about $400 for them on ebay. So I am not sure about the "collectors item" theory, can someone...
  2. rodneyH

    New addition at AV123: Rocket Speakers

    Sean, thanks for the clearification. So what your saying is that you guys probably are "OK" and it may be a non-issue if it ever went to court, but just to be safe, you changed. I think that that is reasonable enough. I would probably be a little on the cautious side as well, especially when it...
  3. rodneyH

    New addition at AV123: Rocket Speakers

    Felix, the other option maybe that Kef (i screwed up and said tannoy earlier) may pay B&W royalties for the design.
  4. rodneyH

    New addition at AV123: Rocket Speakers

    Felix, I think it is a matter of if Tannoy is breaking the patent and how specific the patent is. Don't blame this on B&W, they are the smart bussiness men who got the patent to begin with, instead get made at the Diva attorneys for not looking into any patent violations, that is the first thing...