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  1. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    Oh yeah? Well I never read from cards or screens, I remember everything, yeah, I've been friends longer with my script, so um, yeah I remember things more. Wiig's always on (and cute), she really works extremely well with Jason more than any other cast member. Sort of a Harry/Matt team from...
  2. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    I like Timberlake, he's grown from a Boy Band leader to an actual musician, even is his piano playing looked like he's still learning. He can sing well (he didn't pre-record his track or lipsync) and can dance well (which it was good that he didn't over dance last night). On top of that he is a...
  3. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    Dave, you're right "Wind It Up" is horrible. I'm not a huge fan of her solo stuff, but it "Wind It Up" makes "Hollaback Girl" seem like something Dylan would've written. I ended up fast forwarding through her performance that night. I'm with you, No Doubt reunion! I liked the episode, thought...
  4. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    three words: corinne bailey rae. she was the best part of the whole show, there were some decent skits, but nothing memorable. I liked Fred's imitation of Martin Scorcese, it was spot on. The "New York Stories" clips were interesting to say the least, you either had to know the person they...
  5. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    I liked it, thought it was better than most of last season (with exception to the Tina Fey-less episodes). I like Dane, I like his humor, he's a "in your face" meaning he's literally in your face sometimes as he says what he says. I partially like most of his stuff, because I can identify...
  6. nickGreenwood

    Saturday Night Live - Season 32

    Funny Dane was one of my favorite hosts from last year. I was extremely happy to hear that Horatio was gone, my gosh that guy has been on for so long and has done one thing i liked and that was his imitation of Aaron Neville and he still couldn't get through that. Kristen Wiig is awesome, she...