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  1. jcroy

    Valerie/The Hogan Family: Any DVDs out there?

    For me, another huge issue was that I moved around a lot when I was younger due to college, work, family, etc ... The few collections I had back in the day (mostly vinyl), I ended up leaving at my parents' place. Otherwise it was too much stuff to move around. For several decades, I...
  2. jcroy

    Valerie/The Hogan Family: Any DVDs out there?

    (On a more general tangent). It's more like typical behavior of a person who has been in their own "bubble" for so long, and don't have any context of somebody else who is not a like minded fellow "bubble" traveller.
  3. jcroy

    Valerie/The Hogan Family: Any DVDs out there?

    Even if spite wasn't the primary motivation, it was showing a precise precedent that anybody is "replaceable" in the tv business. Nobody is irreplaceable.
  4. jcroy

    Valerie/The Hogan Family: Any DVDs out there?

    Not everyone is a hardcore fan/collector like yourself NeilBrock. :)
  5. jcroy

    Valerie/The Hogan Family: Any DVDs out there?

    With this show's troubling history, I have to wonder if the Harper specific seasons/episodes are still tied up in legal disputes with her estate.