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  1. C

    The Hallelujah Trail coming from Olive Films on 2/27/18

    I agree with you in that cutting 37 minutes out of the film ruined it. I saw it originally in 70mm upon its original roadshow release.I do have a poor quality dvd of the Roadshow version..You can forget about the missing historical details being removed as much of the film was based...
  2. C

    The Hallelujah Trail coming from Olive Films on 2/27/18

    HALLELUJAH TRAIL was a great film. (and I am not a western fan). The Warner in NYC did indeed have a great and massive sized screen..I saw GRAND PRIX there. IT'S A MAD,MAD,MAD,MAD WORLD was virtually devoid of any comedy. A great cast of comedians that were not given the material to...