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  1. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    There was an intermission card but I seem to remember it was just Intermission in gold letters on black background. I also saw it the Rivoli in NYC and again played it on its re-release. We had a discussion on whether to have the intermission or not. We ended up with an intermission during the...
  2. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    Too bad there was not a way for them to stay alive. I guess now that the old DeMille (Mayfair) is the only one standing as a theatre, though closed now. The first of the three that you mentioned closed in early 1987 and that was the Loew's State. The Rivoli survived a few more months and...
  3. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    Your right about the Arthur vs. the Marcus. Arthur was his son, who ended up being a producer at MGM. The evil Schenick made sure he had no control when his father died. Your also right with Money is what counts. which begs the question, don't you need to keep your assets up so they will...
  4. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    It's not any different and they should be screaming at CBS for supplying the transfer to Paramount. Mr. Harris has even posted our frustration should be leveled at CBS. I in fact have praised CBS for the decent transfers of Big Jake, Little Big Man, and Rio Lobo, which they owned and supplied...
  5. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    They might exchange the disc, but you will see the same problem. This problem was talked about in the fist couple of pages of this thread and most people said it was also on the DVD, laser disc, and film and was caused by the dubbing of the actors. There is a short on the disc showing the...
  6. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    I actually saw this at Rivoli Theatre in New York on it's Roadshow Engagement, and the sound was not that impressive as I remember it. Your right about the sound not being as spacious as other earlier films and I too have had this film from VHS to laser to DVD and now Blu-ray. I wonder if this...
  7. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    I have noticed that, but not to that length, on the laserdisc and the DVD. I also recall seeing it in the theatre. I also have thought it was due to the heavy lip syncing done on the picture. One of the documentaries on the Blu-ray and DVD show a scene being shot using playback and the actors...
  8. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    I was refering to what I thought the differances between the DVD and Blu-ray and I did not make that connection obvious.. I read that the poster I was replying to was interested in the differeance between the two. I do think the Blu-ray is better than the DVD, but again it is all in the eye of...
  9. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    After the fiasco of THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD, it is going to take two or three reviews, before I by this. My confidence with MGM is at an all time low.
  10. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    Thank goodness I can thank someone for the standard DVD release. I thought the transfer was great and the sound was spectacular. I would bring out the DVD just to listen to the songs and music. I am looking forward to the Blu-ray release, but the standard DVD was top notch IMO.
  11. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    I remember some of the Style C posters slipping into the small southern towns. They may have been originaly done for the foreign markets, but someone at UA thought they would work in the in the sticks. The hicks were not into Jewish musicals much. Style A was also used in the US for I saw it...
  12. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    The original release posters sold the film three ways. The style A poster sold it directly as a musical with dancing Tevye and daughters. The style B sold it both ways with drawn images from the film surrounding a dancing Tevye includng the soldiers charging on their horses. Style C was a...
  13. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    I agree with you . It makes it look like a totally happy film and not about repression and religious intolerance.
  14. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    The cover gives me pause to think. If the film was released today, would the Blu-ray cover be what the one-sheet would look like. Looking at all the ugly covers sure does remind me of what the one sheets look for today's film. The are dark (any superhero poster) or have a huge close up of...
  15. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    Whoa - That is an ugly cover! (There is a copy on the Digital Bits site)
  16. ahollis

    "Fiddler on the Roof" April 5th from MGM

    Great News. Can WEST SIDE STORY be far behind?