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  1. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I've long heard that, but isn't that a guy on the back page of the magazine they're holding when discussing the "flattering" or "unflattering" picture of Mary?
  2. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Some movies you just have to be in the mood for, and this (for you) may just BE one of those. BRINGING UP BABY is one of those for me. There are times I watch it and think it's the funniest thing I've ever seen and then I'll see it another time and I just want to tie a brick around Katharine...
  3. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Not only that Matt but, because the color fashion show was an afterthought and re-shot (by a director other than George Cukor and with none of the star actresses in the audience as they are in the original b&w footage) after principal photography ended, it's also unsettling to see an entirely...
  4. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I watched it too. I agree, strong job. They fixed the "jumping" during the Mary/Crystal showdown in the dressing room and the jittery credits. The cue marks are also gone! They've played around some more to try to recreate the stencil look of the original black and white to color transition...
  5. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Oh Anthony, that would be like picking a favorite child!!!
  6. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Yay Harley, a kindered spirit!!!! :D "She's got plenty on her arms, baby!"
  7. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Woohoo! Just got my notice that this has shipped! "Can you tone her down, Madame? This is a TOLL CALL!" "That old gasoline truck is 60 if she's a day." "I AM Dandy Gelatine!" " Chinese embroidery, you know I bet PEGGY gave her these." "Where I spit, no grass grows...ever!"...
  8. Will Krupp

    The Women (1939)(Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    And a COMPLETE one, too! Pre-ordered, this one's a no-brainer for me. I've loved this gem ever since I can remember. "Chins up Cora, both of them!" "What a LOVELY pahty!" "Did you ever see a horse laugh?" "It WASN'T for character" "Get off me you Park Avenue playgirl I know a lot more...