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  1. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    It was fun seeing everyone again (Tracy's exotic fish always make me laugh and Jenna pooping in Mandy Moore's thermos is hilariously in-character for her) but it felt like there was 68 minutes of commercials in the hour. I certainly understand the joke that the entire thing was basically a...
  2. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    The episode wasn't gut busting funny but it managed to be quite sweet without laying it on too thick and the quick 'endings' for the characters during the end credit sequence had some great funny stuff. Also, I'm pretty sure they got one more Star Wars joke at the last second too because I think...
  3. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    How can a show that makes a Treme reference be going off the air? The world is a dark cruel place.
  4. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    That was the line of the episode. Another funny and really gross line was Frank asking if Kenneth wanted to watch a porno starring his cousin.
  5. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    Big time. With only 5 episodes left, I think it's safe to say that 30 Rock has pulled off the near impossible for a comedy- it managed to remain as funny as it was when it started.
  6. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    Dennis saying how the guy with a black kid couldn't be racist was pretty funny. The finale (which I believe is episodes 12 and 13 back to back) is on January 31.
  7. TravisR

    30 Rock Season 7

    I didn't see it but apparently NBC played an episode last night so they can rerun a quality show like The Voice tonight.