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  1. TravisR

    The Office (US) - Season 1

    The show was finding its legs in the first season and it's pretty widely agreed that it got MUCH better in the second and third, etc. years so if you're digging this season, it seems likely that you'll enjoy the series overall.
  2. TravisR

    The Office (US) - Season 1

    The Office has a short run only because it's a midseason replacement. If it gets renewed next year, it'll have 22 episodes. "Sopranos fans would probably want quicker new seasons but would any of them trade what they have for 22 sub-par episodes in order to meet a quota/deadline? Blah."...
  3. TravisR

    The Office (US) - Season 1

    That's good that they are doing new scripts. Maybe I'll still give it a try next week then. They still got some big shoes to fill though:)
  4. TravisR

    The Office (US) - Season 1

    It just seems like an 'American' language version of The Office. It is a remake so I can understand that they want to use some of the same jokes and situations but this show is nearly a direct copy. The only difference seemed to be that there was no English accents in this one. What happens when...