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  1. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    He did. Malcolm was being snarky.
  2. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Future flash told him not to do it when he waved him off.
  3. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Sam I was thinking the same thing. How are these three kids running this entire building
  4. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Jeffrey, you're making nuts with the Berry.
  5. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I was expecting him to vibrate the pepper spray right off.
  6. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Anyone else annoyed by the preview trailer from last month that showed two flashes fighting.
  7. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Another great episode. Hamill telling new Trickster....
  8. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Your auto correct changed Barry to Berry.
  9. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    doubtful, I don't think they need to make Wells to also be Eddie of the future. The guy who plays Eddie is old enough to pull off an older version of himself. the guy who is Barry couldn't pull it off. Too young and smallish.
  10. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I still think there may be more then one RF. But the RF's or at least 2 of them may both be Wells. We have seen him running fast but quickly burn out. And seen him run fast without burning out. What if the present RF(Wells) burns out but the future RF(Wells) is the one who doesn't burn out.
  11. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    "jumper at 58th and Waid."
  12. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

  13. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I don't remember that either but it was pretty clear to me in the first episode. At least one thing was confirmed. Older Barry Flash went back in time to protect his mom and "A" Reverse Flash was also there and probably wasn't Well's version of RV.
  14. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I thought Flash could have covered her eyes to keep her from teleporting.
  15. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Very good observation. I like the theory.
  16. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Yes, Wells has a speed ability but it seems to cause him physical trauma, or he has a trauma already and he is using Speed Force to get past the trauma but it doesn't last very long. Pied Piper has some serious tinnitus.
  17. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Yes I noticed that since the first Ep. The yellow streak took young Barry out of the house.
  18. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    My guess, and I havne't read any of the comics this show seems to be following, is that Wells is Hunter Zolomon.
  19. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I think Jeffery has been referring to a storyline in the Flash comic that this show seems to be following relatively closely.
  20. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Also Now we know why when we saw those sneak peak pics of RF his costume was black on parts of it. After Firestorm blasted him his costume was burned. When Wells went to his hidden room that RF suit was also burned. Hmmmmm
  21. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I guess Wells is reverse Flash. But what is his process?He, as Wells is trying to keep Barry moving in a specific direction but ... Okay as i was typing I decided that Wells is able to appear as Wells and RF somehow, probably time travel so he purposely appeared as RF and Wells together so...
  22. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    I guess that takes care of worrying about revealing his secret identity and I hope they stop killing off so many villains.
  23. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    It seems that it is pointing to Wells as the reverse Flash but that would be too easy so I think it's someone that Wells is working with That we havent seen yet.
  24. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Ugh. I have to agree this time. This was a terrible episode. All flash had to do was use super speed to punch him before he switched metal. Then he shows him his face at the end and says "I beat you this time" He really didn't. The guy was dazed and Iris punched him not flash. Bad.
  25. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Hanson, really? Stop watching the show. Anyway Spschultz, Wells has murdered at least one that we havecseen and you aren't sure if he is good?
  26. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    It's a comic book on tv. Poetic license will be used liberally. Reminds me of those who complain about the loose time line on The Goldbergs. Pointless.
  27. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    How about a title change to Flash Season one or similar.
  28. TonyD

    The Flash - season 1

    Ok here's my early take...... Can't decide if Thawne the cop is his comic namesake or a red herring. Wells is either from the future or was given information from someone who is from the future. The Flashes of light that resulted in the death of his mom was highly likely a fight between RF and a...