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  1. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns

    I would just watch Returns and enjoy it. :) Superman Returns takes place 5 years or so after Superman II.... Hope you like it.
  2. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns

    Watched the SReturns HD-DVD again last night as there were some members of my family who never saw it! ...played flawlessly again. Too bad about this disc causing some problems for others.
  3. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns :)
  4. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns

    Sorry to hear that Greg. What chapters besides 21-22 are the problems happening?
  5. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns

    I've got the Accepted Combo HD-DVD disc and it also played flawlessly. Sounds like you may have a faulty hardware issue?
  6. Tim Glover

    Superman Returns

    Mine worked great on my HD-A1.