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  1. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    Loki was a complicated villain. The God of Mischief. A trickster. I thought Tom Hiddleston really nailed the part. Spoilers Ahoy - He didn't much care for his brother but it looked like he genuinely loved his foster parents, or did I read it wrong? He stopped his real father King...
  2. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    I'm planning to see Thor again next week, in 2D. I thought the 3D was very effective in places, especially during the battle with the frost giants, but 3D does dim and blur the picture and I want to see that battle again in 2D clarity.
  3. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    Patrick Doyle scored Branagh's Frankenstein and Hamlet, he wanted his friend to score it. I liked both of those scores and Carlito's Way too. Harry Potter I can't remember, aren't they all variations on John Williams themes? I agree that a few more minutes of Thor would not have been a bad...
  4. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    I really liked the look of the Frost Giants. I hope we see more of them in future installments, assuming they make more Thor films. I hope they do. One question. I used to read the comics decades ago but can't remember. Wasn't Thor in a relationship with Sif up in Asgard, or was she just a...
  5. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    I saw the film a few hours ago, here's a quick review - I can't think of a bad thing to say about Thor, honestly. Director Kenneth Branagh did a wonderful job bringing this god of a superhero to life on the big screen. The casting is perfect, Chris Hemsworth last seen playing Jim Kirks...
  6. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    Trailer goes on for too long, it shows too much. I feel like I've seen the film already. Not so enthused now after that preview, it'll look great but I get that 'seen it all before' vibe. What else is out next year?
  7. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    "I have the POWER!" Is that Skeletor at the top of the steps? ;)
  8. Steve Christou

    Thor (2011) Discussion/Review Thread

    Hmmm in your link Oscar, Mjolnir looks like a stick with a glowing box on it. I hope thats not the final look. I like the costume.