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  1. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    I'm confused about all the posts accusing New Line of "marketing hype". I haven't seen ANY official statements whatsoever about "new advancement in compression technology" or anything like that. All they said is movie on Disc 1 and doc on Disc 2. I don't think there's been any official...
  2. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    Thanks, John. That would appear to settle it......4 hours of video is doable, but who knows what it's going to look like. New Line has always handled this series with utmost care and respect, and I seriously doubt they'd make a decision to do this if it was going to look like complete and utter...
  3. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    Well, according to the Digital Bits, it looks like these ARE going to squeeze the theatrical and extended editions, via seamless branching, on one single-sided disc, with only a Dolby Digital 5.1 track (no commentaries or DTS). To my knowledge this is the most video ever put on a single disc...
  4. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    A DVD-18 would be no more compressed than 2 DVD-9's, it would just lack pretty disc art. Assuming they don't have 4 commentaries and a DTS track each, these releases could have a HIGHER bitrate than the extended editions.
  5. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    I'm thinking disc 1 will most likely be a DVD-18. Given all the replication problems with those lately, that's cause for concern. But New Line has always done a great job with their flagship trilogy, and I doubt they'd give us a sub-par release. This would almost HAVE to be a brand-new...
  6. Stephen Brooks

    HOLY FLIRKING SCHMIDT! New Lord of the Rings releases!

    Third dip for each of these, but the doc sounds cool.....guess they're going for "quality over quantity" on the bonus features. The theatrical AND extended editions via seamless branching on one disc? I thought ROTK theatrical had basically pushed the DVD-9 format to the absolute limit...