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  1. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    I'm just glad it wasn't full of exploding buildings like so many other finales this week. NCIS, NCIS LA, Criminal Minds and who knows how many I didn't see. Got pretty repetitive.
  2. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    Have enjoyed Unforgettable for the most part. Always liked Poppy Montgomery so was expecting more, but it really never happened. I've now become a Person of Interest convert. I've been watching it out of sequence, but each episode really stands alone for the most part and it has become one of my...
  3. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    Late start on this series, watched a few episodes here and there but didn't really become a fan until March. Luckily they're showing the occasional older episode so it's been easy to catch up. There's so much at the beginnig of the fall season, I watch a few things, read reviews, this site, etc...
  4. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    Thanks for the info. As for the sites I'm looking at, unless it's incredibly awful, it's mainly speculation anyways. Better that I just enjoy what I like and wait for the official word from the networks.
  5. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    Bad choice on my part, but only so much time available. I decided to go for Unforgettable which is close to the chopping block. Wish I'd chosen this instead. Read a few bad reviews early on and figured it wouldn't do so well. Wrong. Hope it shows up in repeats so I can catch up from the 4-5...
  6. Stan

    Person of Interest - season 1 thread

    I probably watched the first 4-5 episodes of this. Then gave up after reading a lot about Unforgettable being successful and this fading away, probably to be cancelled. Now the exact opposite, Person of Interest seems to be coming out the winner. I've been burned so many times, watching shows I...