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  1. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help

    The checkpoints in SC-Xbox aren't bad; they're well spaced/placed, I think. Now Buffy the Vampire Slayer...THOSE are some damn poor checkpoint placements.
  2. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help
  3. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help

    4(edited) Bullet wounds cauterize. Instantly. 11: No matter why somebody is unconcious, the will NEVER wake up until a buddy shakes them a bit. 12: Everybody drinks heavily, and thoughtfully leaves their glass bottles around. 13: Nobody likes to see a dead dog, so they'll all pretend...
  4. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help

    Hmmm. Perhaps it's time to write the 'Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Splinter Cell' list. 1: Always hide your bodies well, cuz, dammit, somebody's going to trip over the damn things. 2: A bullet to the knee is more lethal than an elbow smash to the temple. 3: A door...
  5. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help

    It just goes to show, ALWAYS hide your bodies well, cuz, dammit, somebody's going to trip over the damn things.
  6. Shayne Lebrun

    Splinter Cell Help

    Yup; did it to me the first time I went through that mission. Pissed me off, royally. Oh, and for all of your frequently-asked-question needs.