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  1. Sean Laughter

    Queer As Folk Season 5

    Well, after S1 they couldn't just basically carbon copy the UK show anymore so they had to grow imaginations I suppose (or try to). The only thing that I found pretty annoying about the season were Ted and Emmett's arcs. They both just started to grate on me for some reason. However, I really...
  2. Sean Laughter

    Queer As Folk Season 5

    I bought S2 after the price drop and enjoyed it. I'd heard S2 was painfully bad so I was somewhat surprised. I wish they'd go ahead and do a series-wide price drop on all the seasons though. I'm not buying the rest at their current price points.
  3. Sean Laughter

    Queer As Folk Season 5

    I've had the S1 set of QAF since its initial release, but after hearing about the subpar follow-up season 2 I wasn't interested in paying the premium for the boxed set (and I don't have Showtime available to watch). So if all the seasons are reduced that might be enough to get me to bite - and...