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  1. Sean Bryan

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 3

    Do not start watching at episode 30. Why would you do that?If you're interested in the show, start with season one episode one.
  2. Sean Bryan

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 3

    The interesting thing about this is that I found myself a bit conflicted rooting for Daenerys and also the Starks, because I figured she's coming and whoever is holding Westeros is going to get slammed.Now it's all Daenerys. But I still love Tyrian Lanister, I'm rooting for Jon Snow and Sam, I...
  3. Sean Bryan

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 3

    Wow. That was just..... wow.I did not see that coming at all. Damn, as a viewer, this show makes me want so much revenge against fictional characters. Seriously, I'm stunned at that whole thing. The silent credits was perfect for the shock.