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  1. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    I don't believe them to be rare at all. And I absolutely love them. And even wider films too. But I personally believe that anyone who is building a dedicated theater room for exclusively ultra-widescreen viewing would be infinitely better served with a motorized CIH FP setup and that a flat...
  2. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    I'm not getting where you think 2.35 films are so rare. There's tons of them around. They are almost as common as 1.85 films nowadays. And I'm not talking about the ordinary consumer crowd looking for a display to watch TV, sports, videogames, and everything else to put in their living room. I...
  3. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    I truly can't see why no one is agreeing with me, outside of the possibility that hardly anyone reads this board. For the dedicated home theater, for cinema viewing, a 2.35 monitor is absolutely ideal, provided you can obtain the screen size to get decent field of view. That's as close as...
  4. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    Being that this is the Home Theater Forum, that is the perspective I am posting from. From that standpoint, this set is a fantastic idea. For those who have a dedicated home theater primarily for the purposes of viewing movies (which is the focal point of this site), and who don't want to go the...
  5. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    "2.35:1" is not a size, it's an aspect ratio. The 'size' of a movie in comparison to another is meaningless. You've probably been conditioned to think one is "bigger" over the years because of how your theaters operated, but there are many Cinemas today who mask their screens top and bottom for...
  6. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    All material can be displayed at a constant height without losing any of the image. Who cares about the percentage of content delivered in each aspect ratio? This really isn't that hard a concept folks. This set is one size fits all for 99% of content. Yes I know there are ultra-widescreen films...
  7. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    None of anything you state is a problem with the set itself. The marketing has errors, yes. If bluray were encoded with a 2:35 image squeezed into a 16.9 image area, then this could work exactly like anamorphic DVD. Since blurays aren't encoded that way, thats a problem with bluray, not the...
  8. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    All material can be displayed at a constant height without losing any of the image. Who cares about the percentage of content delivered in each aspect ratio? This really isn't that hard a concept folks. This set is one size fits all for 99% of content. Yes I know there are ultra-widescreen films...
  9. Scott Calvert

    Vizeo unveils ultra-widescreen 21:0 Cinemawide HDTV LED LCDs

    It amazes me that you guys don't get it. A display device with a screen ratio like this involves the LEAST compromise of anything we've yet been given. All material will be displayed at a constant hieght, so 2.35 films can be viewed without the shrinking necassary to fit within a 1.85 frame. I...