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  1. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Writers on these shows seem to have no other way to elicit an emotional response from their characters (or their audience) than killing off characters. Besides the fact that I was never a fan of this, it has worn so thin that at this point it's expected. If the Flash and the rest of these shows...
  2. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Who orders a 2,000 word review of a TV show? Yikes.
  3. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I enjoyed the finale, although I have to admit the DC TV time-travel stuff is very complicated. They really ought to adopt a simpler approach, like Back to the Future. As for the ending, I don't know why I'm not familiar with the comics story Flashpoint, although that seems to be where people...
  4. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    It's been a bad few weeks, hasn't it? ENOUGH ALREADY. There are forms of drama other than death. As good as The Flash is, this is, frankly, lazy writing. -------- EDITED to include spoilers. Sorry I neglected that the first time.
  5. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    So... the chemicals in the comics and the particle accelerator in the show aren't what gave Barry his powers? See, if it's this confusing, it should be left out.
  6. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I enjoyed Kevin Smith's episode, but can someone please explain what the &%$# the speed force is? Is it some extra-dimensional platform with a group of immortal and/pr benevolent beings that chose people like Barry on whom they bestow gifts like super speed? Why can't Barry just be a guy who...
  7. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I don't think that was anything more than showing the multiverse. They should have thrown in a clip of the Adam West Batman too.
  8. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    The only weak part in this episode was when Caitlin asks Zoom what he's going to do - kill everyone in the world? Then what? Zoom had no real answer. Without that, we don't have a good definition of what it is Zoom wants.
  9. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Are Garrick and Zolomon different people? I thought they were the same.
  10. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    It continues to impress me that feature-film-style visual effects are done on a TV budget every week. The shark looked great. I loved that the characters acknowledged how absurd the whole thing was ("a mutant shark? In pants?!")
  11. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Is Jay dead? It's not like Zoom grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him back; Zoom's hand went through his chest. Very good adventure episode; obviously they're not done with Earth-2, as they have to find out what happened to Jay and that guy Barry promised to save.
  12. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    A tremendously fun episode that didn't sacrifice the overall narrative of the season. I was confused by the business with Jay - has he lost his speed or not? Was that Velocity drug mentioned before last night?
  13. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Another really good episode, but there were a couple of moments that strained credibility. When Patty comes to Barry and says "tell me you're the Flash and I'll stay," and he doesn't, it doesn't ring true, We watched Barry struggle with telling her for several episodes and he at one point was...
  14. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I enjoyed the Turtle episode, although Aaron Douglas should have been given more to do. Did Wells kill him at the end? I wasn't sure. It would be a huge mistake to let Shantel VanSanten go off to another city. She brings a lot to the show, not least of which is joy. Yes, Barry should have told...
  15. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I thought it was really good. Patty, especially, has grown as a character and brightens the screen every scene she's in. I enjoyed Mark Hamill too; his Trickster is like his live-action version of The Joker.
  16. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Great stuff. A really solid hour, and the two casts integrate very well together. Nice to see it wasn't just Green Arrow making a guest appearance but the whole cast.
  17. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Wow. Huge respect to the show for actually showing Never would have expected to see that. That said, I'm less-than-enthralled with the news coming out about Warner's stand-alone Flash movie (which is not going to be related to this show). It doesn't sound very respectful of the source...
  18. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Yeah, it was a great episode. I like that things happen in this show, and we're not just spinning wheels while the mythology drags on.
  19. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Very good episode. Was that the Earth Two Patty as Zoom's prisoner at the end? BTW, I'm not up on my Flash mythology. I always thought the Reverse Flash was also known as Professor Zoom? Did they separate the characters at some point? Or am I just remembering something from 40 years ago?
  20. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    I also don't mind the set-ups for Legends; they're well done and still move the story along for the main characters. One question: Why has no one suspected that Ronnie could be alive the same way Jay Garrick is - he simply landed on the alternate earth? The shark looked pretty cool. It could...
  21. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    Yes, for once, revealing a secret didn't result in one character walking off in a huff and carrying a grudge for 7 episodes or so. That was nice. Nice work by Jesse Martin in that scene too. The show has a fun confidence about it now, which is kinda nice.
  22. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    That episode was a lot of fun. It was obviously made with such affection for the classic Flash stories, and that's reflected in everything from the story to actual shots that recreated classic comics images. Teddy Sears is a great addition to the cast, and let's hope he sticks around. Did...
  23. Sam Favate

    The Flash - season 2

    That was a great season premiere. Enough has changed since last season to keep us interested, and the set up for the coming year is looking good. Good for the writers that they chose to spring Henry Allen and introduce Jay Garrick - all good moves. The show has a very confident cast and it...