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  1. Robert Ringwald

    How Nightmare on Elm Street Collection DVD...

    The NOES series was NOT filmed with the DTV format in mind. Considering NOES1 was New Line's first real hit... and the other films were subsequently green-lit based on the box office success of the previous ones... (not to mention, New Line didn't even distribute the films on video themselves...
  2. Robert Ringwald

    How Nightmare on Elm Street Collection DVD...

    I wouldn't mind, cause the set wasn't a cheaply done set. For 1999 it was amazingly well done, and could honestly benefit from a re-release. The transfers are wonderful, but a slight improvement wouldn't hurt. There's a lot of extra stuff that wasn't included on the original releases that...
  3. Robert Ringwald

    How Nightmare on Elm Street Collection DVD...

    Why would you want the full-screen option anyways? The movies look great framed for widescreen.