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  1. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    You need to change the stylus on laser players about every 75 hours. Better than CEDs, but one can easily shread a disc
  2. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Great! As compared to...? Reference, please.
  3. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Two variants of main title sequences. Also multiple variants of Overture/Entr’acte, specifically recorded for curtain transparency.
  4. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The audio was supervised by Gordon Sawyer and Fred Hynes. It‘s a magnificently produced 6-track.
  5. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    I believe the terminology expressed was “illuminated“ manuscript, as in medieval.
  6. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Seps are very noticeably soft. Y layer has fade + chem damage. M layer has chemical damage. C seems decent. Printer functions are built into the masters, which is another problem. In MGM-speak, “pristine.
  7. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Which will you receive? I ended up with Pfizer.
  8. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    I’m merely noting the technological differences. The other attribute is the communal sharing of the experience. Don’t get me wrong. Home Theaters of a certain quality can absolutely mimic the experience of a theater, and provide a very pleasant mechanism for viewing a film. But it cannot...
  9. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Certainly not at the moment. But it hopefully will once again exist in many special cinemas around globe.
  10. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Possibly it’s a covid thing, and people have been sequestered too long. The overriding concept of Film restoration is to bring a motion picture back to theaters on huge screens, with equally intimidating sound systems. It has now been distilled to the lowest common denominator, wherein someone...
  11. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    One would have to ask current management.
  12. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Having seen tests on a large screen, I can report that - using Todd-AO optics, it‘s one of the most highly resolved productions I’ve come across.
  13. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Not a major issue, but to an archivist, when something is re-cut, it is no longer original. for the record, the roadshow can still be reconstructed. It just won’t be pretty. Ultimately, it’s an educational exercise, for as I know the film well, I consider the shorter version to be better. And...
  14. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

  15. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Running times are akin to aspect ratios. They tell you very little.
  16. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The gentleman who receives his freedom from Jim Bowie, was played by Jester Hairston, a wonderful actor worth researching. Educated at Tufts and Julliard, with a career in music, he worked toward preserving the Negro spiritual. Somewhere in the mess that is the MGM inventory, should be a...
  17. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The DVD is not the "roadshow" laserdisc. Different aspect ratio and frame content.
  18. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    It should have been 2.21, but actual ratio is irrelevant as the image is cropped on all four sides.
  19. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    What has been neglected to be mentioned in this wonderful piece, is that after the 70mm print, which with the cooperation of those who discovered it Toronto, as well as Mr. May, who arranged for the print to rest at the AMPAS cold vault, was transferred... It was cut into 800 foot sections...
  20. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    As I recall, the format is approx. 2:1 inside a 480i box.
  21. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    While the roadshow is interesting, the shorter version in imho, a better film.
  22. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The print used for transfer was damaged during the job. Certain footage was replaced with re-used shots. Also, and more important, the scanner was unable to achieve anywhere near full frame, so that major real estate is lost. Just an unfortunate situation all around. The Todd credit should have...
  23. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Most likely the laser transfer. 480i within a box. And definitely NOT the uncut roadshow version. Something either is or is not. This is not, regardless of how it might be promoted.
  24. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The site seems to say that they’re releasing both the uncut as well as the cut. 2 BDs and a DVD. MGM may have harvested an image from their pristine OCN, and then cropped the top and bottom to get to 2.35.
  25. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Cut version from a 35mm element.
  26. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Why? That’s the official word.
  27. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Per public comments from MGM, the original 65mm elements are pristine. This means that a restoration is not necessary. They should be able to easily produce a new 4k.
  28. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    No one ever asked them for money. Only access and permission.
  29. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    That would be a DVD. A Blu-ray serves no purpose.
  30. Robert Harris

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    To what purpose?