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  1. Robert Crawford

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    Reggie, Please stop!
  2. Robert Crawford

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    Doctor T and the Women was one of the few films I ever thought about walking out on. It was that terrible to me.
  3. Robert Crawford

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    That's exactly the type of reaction I was expecting from a segment of people viewing this film. There will also be a segment that really like this film and appreciate Aronofsky films. There will be very few in the middle regarding this film.
  4. Robert Crawford

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    Wrong! If it's opening in my small town in Michigan, it's opening everywhere on September 15th. IMO, after reading Rotten Tomatoes, I think this film will have people loving it and those that hated it.
  5. Robert Crawford

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    Yeah, I have to agree with your comments. No doubt this gets a wide release!