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  1. Ray H

    *** Official WATCHMEN Discussion Thread

    Not too different. Instead of framing Dr. Manhattan, Ozy gets a bunch of scientists to develop a giant psychic squid monster and teleport it to NYC so that he can fake an alien invasion. The world unites against a common enemy.
  2. Ray H

    *** Official WATCHMEN Discussion Thread

    Maybe we're thinking of thinking detached in different ways. The characters in the book are much more vividly realized. There are certain nuances to them on the comic book panel - either in their look or the things they say. All I know is I cared for nearly every character in the comic from our...
  3. Ray H

    *** Official WATCHMEN Discussion Thread

    Hendrix, Dylan, either way, it's a great song. Look, I know the song is used in the movie because Moore quoted that line at the end of the corresponding chapter. In the comic, you can read the line and it has resonance. But here, with the song played loudly over a dramatic scene, it's not very...
  4. Ray H

    *** Official WATCHMEN Discussion Thread

    Saw this earlier today. Thought it was pretty decent but didn't love it. I wrote out a decent sized rant, but I think I'll watch the movie again in the next week or two before getting too huffy and puffy about it. Hell, much of my feelings about the movie are already tempered knowing there are...
  5. Ray H

    *** Official WATCHMEN Discussion Thread

    Ebert's review is pretty heartening.