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  1. Radioman970

    Missed oppurtunities..popular movies that never made it to DVD

    I'm not a subscriber... but glad it's out there at least. Thanks.
  2. Radioman970

    Missed oppurtunities..popular movies that never made it to DVD

    NORWOOD. (1970) Glen Campbell, Kim Darby and... Joe Namath? Joe is in that! Well... really been a LOOOONG time. No VHS? Definitely no DVD, no BLURAY. What's the deal? I remember it being like a Peter Fonda flick, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry or Outlaw Blues. Maybe more like an Elvis flick...
  3. Radioman970

    Missed oppurtunities..popular movies that never made it to DVD

    Yeah, Empire! I'd seriously buy all of their releases. Wonderful 80s cheese like MST3K used to show. :) Another I'd listed had I thought of it. Never forgot this from cable viewings in the 80s. Always liked the idea. An excellent double feature with something like Happy Birthday to Me or...
  4. Radioman970

    Missed oppurtunities..popular movies that never made it to DVD

    Dungeon Master. From the same folks as Troll and the bad classic Troll 2.
  5. Radioman970

    Missed oppurtunities..popular movies that never made it to DVD

    I second Terror Vision. cheesy fun. All I have it a damaged VHS I bought. Made my own DVD out of it but it's not what I need. Good widescreen print like MGM would do. I'd watch it all the time, Friday night or something. Only one I can think of right now is Jokes My Folks Never Told me...