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  1. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    Now that was a find! I just remember that I saw the motor prop for the Steve doll in the box with the lab. Maskatron! I think I played with that one the most. Its piece are scattered everywhere. I know I have Steve Austin somewhere but I can't find him. It will be a happy day when they...
  2. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    ^^^ Awesome! I have Oscar, Steve Austin, this robot thing that had various face plates so he could disguise himself, a rocket playset and an inflatable lab set. Most of that I should still have somewhere. The lab looked to be in amazingly good shape.
  3. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    I pulled out my Six Million dollar man stuff. Oscar is in great shape! He looks brand new. Unfortunately the briefcase wasn't in there. I know it's in the house somewhere. I have several boxes of old childhood toys and it somehow got put in one of those. Once I find it I'll post some pictures.
  4. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    Sorry I missed this post. I was about to start my movie horrorthon back in Oct. :D Those are in boxes right where I can get at them. I"ll take a look. Hopefully it's still in there. If I don't post here within a week or so give me a bump reminder (lots going on right now).
  5. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    It does seem flimsy. But mine always works. I just remembered about the file folder on the inside the case. I believe I still have that too.
  6. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    Seems like if The Voyagers comes out they can give us Salvage I too. I used to love that old show.
  7. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    They won't get any money out of me that way. :thumbsdown:
  8. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    Awesome! I don't even want to know what you had to pay. :eek: I have the blow up lab set. Also this rocket thing. Unfortunately not all of that is complete. I had the robot Steve Austin too with the claw hand and all. That's not complete anymore either. :frowning: Oscar may be the only...
  9. Radioman970

    Six Millian Dollar Man ?

    My dad handed me 2 boxes of rattling stuff a few years ago. Marked "Jimmy's Six Million Dollar Man Toys". :*) All kinds of stuff in there I used to play with. The Oscar doll (complete with leisure wear and explosive suitcase) looked like it was removed from the box yesterday. years ago I...