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  1. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    HUNTSMAN was not released in 3D in the US theatrically. That's why there is no disc release in the format.
  2. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    3D disc sales are still strong, relatively speaking (outsells UHD discs by approx 50% - 75%) Both new and catalogue titles continue to be released, from JAWS 3D to MISS SADIE THOMPSON. It looks more like a resurgence than a wake to me, especially with Disney now releasing 3D titles again. As...
  3. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    I'd assume it could be because the CGI animated kid flicks don't draw as well as live-action in 3D. Certainly on disc, the animated titles are always at the bottom of the sales charts while live-action movies do much better. Perhaps the kids are also less likely to stay calmly seated and keep...
  4. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    Exactly the point I tried to make a while back. Vizio is primarily sold to Wal-Mart, Target, and Costco shoppers. No one looking for a quality set looks at Vizio as a choice.
  5. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    Holy Guacamole! You got that right! It started out okay and I figured "Hey, this is better than I've heard!" But then, after the SLEEPING BEAUTY gift-giving dive-bombed irredeemably! I knew going in that this would be a more sympathetic take...but this makes FROZEN seem like a...
  6. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    A) So no more bad LAST AIRBENDER or CLASH OF THE TITANS conversions? That's an advantage, not a fetriment B) Don't have Comcast, but if there was no varied and updated programming, then its to be expected C) ESPN was soomed from the start. Just the same handful of games repeated over &...
  7. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    Expensive? With 3D players now selling well below $100.00? With some discs (GoTG, APES, etc) selling for the same price as 2D?
  8. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    As I type this, CNN is having some sort of 2014 rundown. Ben Stein just appeared and stated "I just bought a 3D TV. I looooove my 3D TV!" As I've often stated, people are still buying 3D TVs (IF they even know they exist). But rather then cultivate and service the growth, the home video biz...
  9. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    It will be nteresting to see how much of this week's $88 - $90 million in receipts for THE HOBBIT were from 3D showings.
  10. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    This is NOT true. The Target in my area sells them..I have a friend that purchased a 47" 3D set there.
  11. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    It was removed from my Sony 790 player a few months back. When I inquired with Sony, their response was basically "You can get 3D from go away." (And they won't even allow a firmware update to allow access to Netflix 3D. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever buy another...
  12. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    But it did give us superlative 3D transfers of DIAL M FOR MURDER, CREATURE FROM BLACK LAGOON, MAN IN THE DARK, WIZARD OF OZ, and HOUSE OF WAX among others
  13. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    Not the case with Amazon. Wal-Mart had GRAVITY 3D as Best-Seller...but it's not anymore so I'd say it's a good indication that sales relative to other editions are valid. On a more anecdotal note, I saw my local Target completely sell-out of THOR 2 3D...while plenty of 2Ds remained. They...
  14. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    I did not say it was cheaper...I said they were selling more copies at that time. The standings have changed, of course, (now that some time as passed). I simply looked at the Amazon list of "Best Sellers". At Wal-Mart,(as of today) THOR TDW is still ahead of the standard DVD (second) and the...
  15. RJ992

    3D How the Studios, Theatre Owners, and TV Manufacturers All But Killed 3D

    GRAVITY has been the fastest-selling 3D title ever. Also, the 3D discs of both GRAVITY and THOR 2 were out-selling the 2D editions via both Wal-Mart and Amazon.during their first weeks of release. (I believe that THOR is still outselling the 2D from Wal-Mart at ;east). Of course, in the long...