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  1. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Well I can tell you the 3 hour run time of this movie is not "working" for Joe Schmoe movie-goer. And unfortunately for Peter Jackson there's more Joe Schmoe's out there than Movie Buffs.
  2. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    You can show things like Denham's obsession with Anne (it's pretty well established by that point he likes her ... a lot, I'd say) and the Captain's bravery in just a quick exchange of dialouge. Again to me, I really don't care. I could sit through a 4 hour version of Kong if that's how...
  3. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Yeah ... but Anne could've been kidnapped straight away, and the crew could've regrouped and the Captain decides that they should go rescue her. There you go, you save 10 minutes of making the audience watch the entire party reboard the ship, Brody figure out that she's gone, and then...
  4. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I'm curious why exactly you feel it was integral to the story that the villagers kidnap Anne on the ship, thus forcing the audience to watch the ship crew get off the ship and go back to the island again. I don't think I'd trim anything out of the third act of the movie at all, but the first...
  5. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think the entire sequence with the ship have a rough ride into Skull Island could have been trimmed considerably. Like the whole thing with them being caught in the fog ... all that didn't need to be as long as it was. Also having the landing party get on the island, meet the natives, run...
  6. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    "The Mummy" is an adventure/monster movie and the audiences loved that. But if you added 30-45 minutes to either of The Mummy films, I do think you would have generated a lot of bad word of mouth and killed repeat viewings. EDIT: I just checked the run times for "The Mummy" (124 minutes)...
  7. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    The three hour run time just killed King Kong IMO. While hardcore movie goers are more willing to forgive this, I'm finding that "casual" or "average joe" movie goers are reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally turned off by this. It got so bad that yesterday as I watching sports updates, the sportscaster...
  8. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think one part of Titanic's success was that a lot of people, especailly women at the time were tired of testorene-driven blockbusters that were shooting blanks. The summer of 1997 served up The Lost World and Batman & Robin, two films that really dissapointed a lot of people. I think a...
  9. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Yeah I agree. I dunno why Jackson was so intent on giving so many things a ton of screentime in the first Act. Oh well, hopefully kids don't fidget around in their seats too much for the first hour.
  10. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    The one problem with King Kong I think is that it may not be very "kid friendly". The movie takes a loooooong time to get to King Kong, and most of the stuff before that might be better tolerated by older filmgoers than by kids. Then again LOTR also took a while to get going and had very...
  11. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I was surprised, I was expecting to see something along the lines of a mid-$20 million number. I doubt this will have the legs of Titanic, but remember Shrek 2 had a similar opening in the middle of the week. Some people actually were already calling it a flop because its Weds/Thursday...
  12. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think buzz for King Kong is pretty high. Not ROTS level, but that's Star Wars and obviously has a rabid built-in fanbase. The TV marketing for King Kong has been very strong IMO -- you can't turn on the TV without seeing a King Kong commercial. It's been a while since there's been...
  13. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    A solid opening for Narnia, but yeah, everyone is going to go see King Kong next weekend, there's just no doubt about it.
  14. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think Aeon Flux will do a bit better than that. It's been fairly well marketed I think with plenty of TV commercials and trailers being out for a while now. Plus there hasn't been anything for the general male teen/20 somethings for a while, so there might be some pent up demand for...
  15. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Studios will spread out the releases, they always do. Shrek 3 will likely be early/mid-May. Spider-Man 3 might be late June/early July as Spidey 2 was. Harry Potter should have mid-June to itself, even if Spidey 3 is closer to Memorial Day like Spidey 1 was. Who knows with Indiana...
  16. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Those are definitely very healthy numbers for Potter and Walk The Line.
  17. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think Potter's numbers will take a little bit of a hit, probably prompting the press to talk more about how "bad" box office has been this year.
  18. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Those are amazing numbers for Chicken Little, I had to look twice to make sure I wasn't looking at the wrong date. When was the last time this happened? I have no idea. I think you might have to go as far back as Titanic, but I believe its second Friday was around Christmas. The Sixth Sense...
  19. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think Disney overall has to be happy with the numbers, regardless of the context. Personally I felt this movie could have easily slid down to $25 million for its opening weekend. Especailly given the last few weeks at the box office have been fairly slow for box office returns. A $40...
  20. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    While LOTR might have had a more specific audience, it was so richly realized that I think people just had to watch it. Kind of like how my mom never watches sports, but she would watch when Michael Jordan played basketball. Movies like LOTR, Titanic, Star Wars, The Sixth Sense, etc...
  21. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I don't see King Kong touching ROTS $380 million, but it does have a shot at toppling WoTW and Batman Begins.
  22. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    The thing is "The Excorcist" has such an iconic status with teens/20 somethings and the whole "based on a true story" was a very smart marketing angle. So rather than it being a "make believe" horror movie ala "House of Wax", this one had decent word of mouth among its core audience because that...
  23. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I thought Emily could be a surprise hit, but that's a pretty large haul. However, I'm not so certain this will have the greatest legs. The marketing makes the movie seem scarier than it probably actually is. The horror genre is pretty solid now, there's always going to be that teen...
  24. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Isn't Dreamworks still counting their money from Shrek 2? I mean honestly now that Star Wars has finished its run ... Shrek is probably the hottest movie franchise in Hollywood period, even bigger than Spider-Man (and cheaper to make to boot). And the fact that its still an active...
  25. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    They can still screw up Transformers, so just because it has a built-in following doesn't gauruntee huge success. If they do it right though, it could definitely be a $200 million + earner and the start of a big franchise to be sure.
  26. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I think Transformers will be a big hit, unless the movie is just flat out terrible. There is a strong following for the franchise with young adults in their 20s/30s who grew up with the series, and also kids will eat it up. I have noticed that the Transformers insignias are popping up on a...
  27. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    It kinda reminds me of the situation in pro sports, specifically hockey where in the early 1990s there was a boom in popularity for the sport thanks to Wayne Gretzky being in Los Angeles. Thus revune increased, and the players started asking for more money. They got more money because teams...
  28. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    Yeah I think its more of a pissing contest than anything else. You don't need $150 million to make a lot of these films. However, I think Studio A sees that Studio B is making a $150 million movie and they say "well we're not going to be outdone by that!" so they ramp their budget up...
  29. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    I honestly really think its more about status than actual budget. If I'm a producer and I working on a mock "tent pole" type film ... lets call it Vertical Velocity (lol) or something, and I hear Transformers and PotC 2 are getting $150 million ... well I want $150 million too. And the...
  30. Pete-D

    2005 at the Box Office

    $100-$130 mill is right around what something like WotW should cost ... ideally I bet Paramount would've preferred more along the lines of $100-$110 million, but with Tom Cruise's salary and his production company demanding top production value ... of course that might be tough to manage...