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  1. Paul_D

    *** Official "MINORITY REPORT" Discussion Thread

    Does anyone know what the piece of classical music playing when Cruise enters his apartment for the first time is? It's when he enters and says "I'm home." Thanks, Paul.
  2. Paul_D

    *** Official "MINORITY REPORT" Discussion Thread

    Buy it now! Seriously. IMO, best film of the 90s.
  3. Paul_D

    *** Official "MINORITY REPORT" Discussion Thread

    Clearly not, it's just one very simple plot point, which some people find implausible, while others do not. It's hardly a major plot hole.
  4. Paul_D

    *** Official "MINORITY REPORT" Discussion Thread

    Sam, He did. It's clearly visible in subsequent shots that his eye is damaged. The fact that he's blind in one eye is what ties him into the drug dealer's "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!" prophecy. Check out the Official Discussion Thread. There's pages and pages of...
  5. Paul_D

    *** Official "MINORITY REPORT" Discussion Thread

    edit: post deleted, it sucked.