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  1. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    So how many episodes do we have left now? Did they mention what happened to Jack's marriage?
  2. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I don't know how Radio Transmissions work per se.... but what kind of range would the plane radio have? The island must be huge because I recall Sayid had been gone a week before he was captured by that French woman. Someone remind me, did the pilot tell Jack where they ran into...
  3. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I'm still trying to figure out where the monster went... in the begining they were like "Don't go in the jungle!" and now its like go in the jungle for a little stroll.
  4. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I assume that the radio was destroyed in the crash? And why didn't Locke tell the others about the plane?
  5. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I feel so sorry for Locke. So that was his real dad? When do we find out how he got paralysed!
  6. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Didn't Sayid say that they didn't mean cooridinates?
  7. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Wow what an episode. Its a shame we have to wait so long for the next episode. With the numbers on the hatch the mystery deepens. Will they go to the radio tower? I wonder if that hatch is actually part of an airplane that got buried under debris. The numbers probably mean something secret...
  8. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I can't wait till next week. Finally an Hurley centric episode. When Hurley becomes obsessed with the French woman and heads into the jungle to find her, Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item.
  9. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Well Hurley must be really popular, he was putting his hand in front of the camera. If anyone can get a screen cap of that scene and if anyone can read Korean maybe they could shed light on that clip.
  10. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I can't wait to see what happens tonight.
  11. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Unless its part of an Island arc of underwater volcanoes. Islands are created in some areas of the Pacific all the time as others disappear.
  12. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Well he is probably doesn't even realise it. He's naiive. But I bet with the help of Locke he will understand. All he needs now is to look at a picture of a boat!
  13. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    In defence of the CGI of the polar bear... maybe it was intentional. In the movie "Jumanji" the CGI was deliberately done the way it was to give the creatures a more plastic, artifical look so they would resemble big boardgame pieces.
  14. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I wonder if Walt had wished for Claire to come back...... It was a great episode, I feel sorry for Michael. I'm suprised he didn't use the law to get his son back, but considering she was outside of the country I guess that wasn't possible. And what would we call someone like Walt that...
  15. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I wonder if Walt could have caused his mother's illness?
  16. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Well birds do you fly away when something big is coming....
  17. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I figured out it was that song once she mention the "movie with the little fish." My 3 year cousin watches that all the time. Maybe there is something truly beyond the sea.
  18. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Yeah tonight's episode was a boring one. Nothing interesting happened. While they make have razors on the island, where are the nail clippers? Sayid needs to take care of those claws.
  19. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    What if he was on the island with some master of martial arts who taught everything he knows? --------- I have a few theories on Charlie and the tracks he left. What if Ethan had knocked Charlie out (not out of the question because of the way he handled Jack) and after Charlie came to he...
  20. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I checked TV Tome and each of the next few episodes are character centric episodes (I guess they all have been) and some of the episodes are for characters that have already have flashbacks. And the Rom joke.... definetly sounds like an Ontario joke.
  21. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Actually my mom went on a plane when she was pregnant with me in '85, the due date was two weeks later. I couldn't wait, I was born four days after she landed. I bet Ethan is an alias of Alex, the French woman's son.
  22. Paul Sandhu

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I liked this episode, Sawyer (I wonder what his real name is) is an interesting character. In a way it does sound obvious but in another way it was kind of cool. And it was cool seeing Piccolo from SeaQuest acting again. Next week teaser leaves me asking more questions....