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  1. MikeDeVincenzo

    Let's talk Beer

    Zen Don't post pictures like that while I'm still at work! Not fair! :)
  2. MikeDeVincenzo

    Let's talk Beer

    Shane and Zen Trois Pistoles is simply delicious. I have to watch myself because I could easily down a four pack, but that 9% ABV makes that a very unwise choice. :) I'm very lucky, my local discount chain here in Northern NJ, Bottle King, stocks La Fin du Monde (my intro to Unibroue brews)...
  3. MikeDeVincenzo

    Let's talk Beer

    One Graduate Student's Beer list: Everyday Beer: Yuengling Lager Everyday+ Beer: Sam Adams, Sam Adams Seasonals, Guinness Holy Crap I Got My Fellowship Paycheck Beer: La Fin du Monde, Trois Pistoles