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  1. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    While I reject the knee jerk definitions of Conservative and Liberal (they are often so wrong in many ways) you have to realize that Samantha was never oppressed by Darrin. Samantha loves Darrin and realizes Darrin's rugged individualism and she realizes that him living life her way would...
  2. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    Even with the reduction in some of the production values in this season I thought the invisible effects work on A Good Turn Never Goes Unpunished was pretty good. I don't remember ever seeing the scene with invisible Sam in bed in syndication until I stumbled on some shows being shown uncut on a...
  3. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    The last episode was shown on WGN, yesterday. Although it was heavily edited, it did have the vacuum cleaner salesman scene (although I am sure a line or 2 was cut from it). So I wouldn't worry about it being absent from the DVD.
  4. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    The 8'th season is running right now on WGN (heavily edited though. I can't believe how much is cut out). And School Days, School Daze was on. The episode where Agnes Moorehead was sick. I have to admit, if you guys didn't tell me, I wouldn't have noticed anything unusual. But I did notice a...
  5. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    An additional season or two might have been interesting since Tabitha and Adam were growing up and there would be story possibilities with them
  6. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    The Bewitched living room doubled as Dr. Bellows in the beginning (later they got their own set). The Bewitched living room also showed up in Gidget as one of Gidget's friend's house.
  7. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    BTW, a little off topic but I watched some of a Jerry Lewis movie called Hook Line and Sinker yesterday on TCM. His house in the movie was the Gidget TV show house near the Bewitched house while the interior sets are most definitely the Bewitched interior sets but redressed in much brighter...
  8. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    In the 1980's when Nick At Nite got the B&W Bewitched, one of their selling points was that "they haven't been seen in years!". And yup, the only Bewitched shows seen in general syndication for years and years were the color ones. Before that, I only remember seeing B&W Bewitched only for a...
  9. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    1. I think that no matter how many writers they had, they just started to run out of gas. There was also the possibility that at the time, the black and white seasons of Bewitched were not being syndicated (as were a lot of early black and white seasons of shows that went to color. Non color...
  10. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    The problem with AITF's last seasons is that they are not as much revered and iconic as the first few (where they had the magical Archie/Meathead in the same house dynamic). I still want the final seasons but understand why it is on the back burner.
  11. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    The shows by all accounts I've seen are unedited on AITF on DVD. And they run 24-25 minutes which is the proper length. However, before DVD, some episodes came out on VHS (along with episodes of Bewitched, I Dream Of Jeannie, Gidget, etc) and some of those were edited. They were actually the...
  12. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    I'd be willing to bet that it was edited on TBS as well, only different scenes were cut. I recorded Bewitched on TBS sometimes in the 1980's, they were always cut, usually the teaser. Nick At Nite cut different parts.
  13. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    With commercial versions of Bewitched have been traded on video for years so I have some (included an Oscar Meyer one, "Money Happy Returns"). But the quality is blea!
  14. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    Another great point about season 8 is that Elisabeth Montgomery is one of those rare ladies that got hotter as she got older and by the 8'th season she was extra smokin' (not that she wasn't smokin' before).
  15. M

    Bewitched Season 8?

    Even though the 8'th season is weak, I still like a lot of the episodes. I'm looking forward to it on DVD