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  1. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Really? Dang, that sucks. But maybe the goal is to show the second half of the season without reruns. Thanks to all for the pointers on the ABC site. ABC does a GREAT job with Alias summaries; glad they're doing the same for Lost.
  2. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Anyone willing to post an episode summary? Due to personal obligations, I missed the ep and wasn't able to tape it. Damn, it sounds like it was a good one, too.
  3. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Because bad guys aren't fun; they're abusive, controlling, immature, selfish and shallow. Elizabeth, I apologize if I came across as accusing you in particular of something; Sawyer's a fictional character, and you're simply expressing appreciation for his looks and interest in the character...
  4. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    OK, then maybe you can clear up the eternal mystery: why would a chick go for an obviously Bad Dude with serious issues, over a good man like Jack? Why is it that nice guys finish last?!?
  5. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    See an earlier post by me. I suspect the psychic was somehow a minion of whomever orchestrated the plane crash. No real "psychic powers" needed for that. However, Abrams has (with Alias at least) shown a penchant for stories tinged with supernaturalism. So the psychic could very well have been...
  6. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I don't think so; Locke has certainly been odd, but given what we know about him, that's not unexpected. From his "origin" episode, I'm counting Locke as one of the good guys (albeit a damned mysterious one). He's having some kind of transcendent experience on the island, which is affecting how...
  7. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Wow, a great episode. Sawyer, Sayid, Kate and Jack have little more than cameos, but the show still works. So "Ethan" wasn't on the plane? Curiouser and curiouser. Someone remarked on the vagueness of the psychic's message. Since I am still going on the hypothesis that the plane was...
  8. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Can't believe I missed that - sheesh, Abrams could've hit me on the head with a 2x4 and I wouldn't have gotten it. Interesting.
  9. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Getting Sayid's backstory was great - heartbreaking and well done. I liked that Sayid was, for the most part, asking the same questions we would have asked of the Crazy French Lady. Was very frustrating that we're not closer to knowing what's going on than before! Kate's now off my...
  10. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I hadn't thought about that angle for Sayid, but that's also assuming he's muslim. We've seen nothing that points either way. And I don't agree about him being perfect or superman. He disagreed with Jack about the caves, and he readily tortured Sawyer. Yes, he seems to be a decent, strong...
  11. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Sawyer's complete and unhesitating willingness to try and set up a monopoly on stuff that the castaways need to survive is reprehensible. Do I have sympathy for what happened to the character as a child? Yes. Do I have sympathy for the choices he's making since the crash? No. Kate apparently had...
  12. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Strongest episode since the David Fury-penned ep revolving around Locke's backstory. Frankly, I WAS a bit surprised...I had thought Sawyer's persona all bluster, but it seems indeed that he's a pretty awful person. While Hack didn't get a lot of screen time, I like that we witnessed his...
  13. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Watched the episode over the weekend. Props to Dom Monaghan - he really gives the character depth and realism. While it's an old story, he managed to breathe life and emotion into it. Watching it, though, I came to two conclusions: we need to meet more of the castaways, and some main...
  14. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I only "sort of" watched the ep - taped it, and focused in at certain points. Based on the feedback here, looks like it will be a strong episode. I'm confident that we'll get some answers....which will lead to more questions. Seriously, if Alias is anything to go by, Abrams does NOT...
  15. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    FINALLY just watched the latest ep (taped it last week). IMNSHO, the weakest episode so far, though it started out strongly. I"m glad to know more backstory on the Asian couple, but I found the long play out a bit tedious and more than a bit depressing. Agreed that splitting up the...
  16. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    [SIZE=2] Agreed - I think a LOT of US-produced series would do better with both shorter seasons and shorter runs. X-Files has been mentioned a lot in this thread; that's a show that should have ended after the 5th season, max, and then maybe some feature films or periodic televised movies.
  17. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    [SIZE=2] Forgot about that. Yep, mighty interesting. Did Locke think it was beautiful because it really was, or because it allowed him to live,for whatever reason? I also like how Locke has gone from mysterious, menacing wierdo to go-to guy with a positive outlook. And all simply...
  18. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Didn't think about the stream at the bottom of the ravine...though it looked like a trickle at best. The waterfall was a safer and more abundant source of fresh water. One thing about last night's episode really bothered me: no one else bothered to try and save the drowning woman. Out of...
  19. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    10/20/2004 - "White Rabbit" A great episode for Matthew Fox; he's a far better actor than I thought, and each episode we're seeing new depths for the character and the actor's skill. His scene at the airport ticket counter was Emmy material, IMNSHO. Considering how the...
  20. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Airlines usually seat anyone with small children or people with disabilities first. There's a good chance most of the passengers never even saw Locke, especially since he doesn't appear to have been in first class. If Locke was at the gate sufficiently early, it gives a lot of plausibility to...
  21. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I wondered the same thing. And some good points about the knives and the dog whistle. Locke is much more - or at least much different - than what he appears to be. Count me in as hooked!:emoji_thumbsup:
  22. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I really hope that's not the case - if a bunch of people have guessed it here, you have to think a lot of other folks are wondering that, too. I'm sticking with my original idea: that this is somehow "real" (meaning not an after-death or dreamed experience) but that the show as a whole needs...
  23. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    In the latest EW magazine, a similar article has Abrams claiming that only the CSI shows will have higher body counts. The entire interview with Lost's co-creator, Damon Lindelof, can be found here.
  24. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Have any URLs you can share?
  25. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    The boy can write. Keep him on the job. Like Lee, I was really disappointed when the show ended. More, more!
  26. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I'm not crazy about it, but the show seems veering more toward quasi-sci-fi/horror than the reality-based scientific events claimed by the producers. I have no problem with that, BTW. A nice touch with the boars - only seeing them in profile, with the glow of their eyes in the flashlight...
  27. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Wow - another great episode. Amazing how Locke was transformed from a creepy, not-quite-there mystery man to a person we understand (at least mostly) and can sympathize with. I called the wheelchair reveal in the opening moments - when they showed the flashback of Locke looking at his toes...
  28. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    Watched last week's episode last night. A few thoughts: *The critter chasing Michael (Harold Perrinau from the Matrix movies) sounded like a lion to me, and the way it was filmed, seemed smaller than the tree-bending thing shown before. So it seems we have a possibility of three odd creatures...
  29. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    I just watched the pilot episode again. A few things stuck out to me: When the mysterious "beast" was out in the bush, there was a distinct metallic or mechanical aspect to its sound. A woman from the Bronx remarked that there was something very familiar about the sound. Fairly certain...
  30. Michael Martin

    Lost Season 1 ongoing thread (merged)

    When I say "monster," I mean that. While having hungry but mundane animals stalking the people could be used effectively, the kid in me wants a MONSTER - something unknown or unnatural. Chalk it up to too many Friday nights as a kid watching "In Search Of" and Kolchak, the Night Stalker. What...