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  1. Michael*K

    *** Official "JEEPERS CREEPERS" Discussion Thread

    I think it would have been better to end it with the creature flying off with him and his sister sobbing in despair. The final scene is a joke because Spoiler:the makeup effect sucks. Darry's head looks too damned phony. Certainly nothing as good as what we saw in the cavern. If that was going...
  2. Michael*K

    *** Official "JEEPERS CREEPERS" Discussion Thread

    Yeah, the kids were stupid as hell, but when I go to a horror movie, I usually check my Reality-Meter at the door. However, I'm still trying to figure out why Spoiler:The Creeper targeted Darry. Early on, I thought he grabbed the ring of that guy's corpse in the cavern (the one with his head...
  3. Michael*K

    *** Official "JEEPERS CREEPERS" Discussion Thread

    This movie premiered a a film festival in Germany last month. There are several comments from the people that saw it at IMDB. See the Link Removed . The only person I recognize in the film is the guy that plays the goofy school kid on the TV show Ed. The director was at the helm for the...