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  1. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    One little correction: the score won the Comedy/Drama background score Oscar; the song itself did not win. "Secret Love" from Calamity Jane won that year.
  2. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Many years ago in a second hand store, I found and bought the original MGM soundtrack album for this film. (I think I paid $1.) It was a stack of 78s, and I've never listened to it because I don't have a turntable that does 78s. But I still have the album with Margaret and Cyd on the cover. Was...
  3. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Belita’s style and technique on the ice were, for me, eons advanced from Henie’s hunched over, rounded-shoulder skating. Sonja May have won three Olympic golds, but Belita was always my favorite cinematic skater.
  4. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Yes, I know that. Angela related her tale of dissatisfaction several times about that and also about MGM not offering her to Fox for Forever Amber. But she could have been the next Greer Garson if they had groomed her right: British, pretty/beautiful, super talented, and young enough to do the...
  5. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    What I like best about the poster is that the often overlooked and undervalued (by MGM) Angela Lansbury gets a billing line all to herself and in letters as big as the four top stars.
  6. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Mary Martin gets to reprise the song that made her name: "My Heart Belongs to Daddy." For me, that's one of the film's few merits.
  7. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Bette Davis had to have been mortified that her two young co-stars Dall and Lorring got Oscar nominations for The Corn Is Green while she went home empty-handed, but in later years she felt she was too young to have tried to play Miss Moffatt even though Perc Westmore tried his best to give her...
  8. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    Yeah, I love it, too. I really like all of the Lorre/Greenstreet starring vehicles.
  9. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    And with Bergman and Turner playing against type: Turner as the virginal good girl and Bergman as the trollop.
  10. Matt Hough

    Warner Archive Blu-ray Wish List: The 1940's

    If we ever got Sunny, I'd hope Warners would also clean up and add the Marilyn Miller early talkie Sunny as a bonus feature.