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  1. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    Thanks Mike! A science leaning, currently. (we’ll see!) I managed to skate in years past because I was a bookworm, when I bothered to bear down, I instinctually knew what ‘sounded’ right without grasping any specific rules. My creative content earned me a certain ‘grace’ factor with...
  2. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    Dear Sirs, Today I come before you in shame. Do any remember a scene from The Wind and the Lion when Candice Bergen laughs loudly over Sean Connery’s fall from a horse?? ..........Until the Berber holding her draws a dagger across her throat? I enrolled this afternoon for a couple of...
  3. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    :laugh: I think I do it for fun which also makes me an incorrigible disrespectful bit of baggage. we were speaking of déjà vu!!!! oh [in a small voice]
  4. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    Jeff, I'm crushed. ;) Are you talking about mine? : [looks around thread spots none other eligible. - must be me?!] I am, indeed easy pickings and [worthy of a thrashing] and should be universally despised by all grammatical rule guru’s who covet and guard our English language. [salutes] By...
  5. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    An offical Harry Potter spell.
  6. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    I thought I was finally and forever "DEAD! and DONE FOR" .......and I got a smiley. [sits down, because rubber knees will no longer hold her up]
  7. Mary M S

    "Alot": Something the Internet informed me about.

    Merriam-Webster Dear Sirs, Please to include in your upcoming edition, alot. Much recommends it, not least of which should be a considerable contribution towards efficiency. Space bar usage is up 10% in the last quarter. In the annals of anal it has received an untoward...